Rabu, 29 Desember 2010



 This is the True Love Story that has shocked the millions of people around the world. People cried after seeing these pictures in America and Europe and even in Asia. It is said that photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee to most famous newspaper in France. All copies of that the newspaper was sold the first day these pictures were published.

And many people think that animals/birds do not have a BRAIN or FEELINGS ?????

Here his wife is injured and the condition is fatal. She was hit by a car as she swooped down the road.

This brought food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again, but was surprised to find her dead. He tried to move her …. an effort rarely seen, the swallows!

Aware that his beloved fellow has died and he will never see her again, Cries with adoring love.


He stood beside her, sad for her death.

Finally, aware that he would never make her come back, standing next to her body with sadness and pain...


You are the one I love for...
You are the one I love
There is no other in my life
No one but you alone 

You are the one I love for...
You are the one I love
There is no other in my life
No one but you alone 

I think falling in love with you
falling in love
The deepest with you
I think falling in love with you
All than I want is you 

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010



A mythological place is one of legend, that has survived in folkloric or other stores passed down through generations. Heaven and hell in various incarnations and names are perhaps the best known mythological places in most civilizations, and are a fundamental pillar of religious belief systems and for behavioral control among people. The idea of a place for ultimate good or evil certainly predates Christianity, as evident in ancient Egyptian tradition, the Greek philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, the Norse legends of Valhalla and is also integral to the Buddhist and Hindu traditions of karma and samsara. In Islam, the idea of heaven is expressed as Firdaus or Paradise. And if heaven is the holiest place, reserved for the good and accessible by people according to various standards of divinity, goodness, piety or faith, then so too does an opposite place exist that houses the bad. This mythological opposite has been called many things, from the devourer of the underworld in Egypt, to Tartarus in ancient Greece to the mythological Mayan location of Xibalba, an underworld of nine levels ruled by demons. Among the legends, this is one mythological place that we all will validate one day, but unfortunately will have no one to tell.


El Dorado is the mythical city of gold that lies somewhere in South America. Within fifty years of Columbus’ first discovery and report of gold in the New World, the Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru had succumbed to the Spanish Conquistadores and the tombs of the Sinu Indians in the high Andes had been raided. The city of Bogota was founded in 1539 in the Muisca territory by European gold-seekers. It was among the Muisca that the legend of El Dorado was first heard by the Spaniards. They were told of a ritual ceremony that took place at Lake Guatavita, some distance to the North of Bogota. The legend tells of the bottom of the lake with unimaginable treasures dumped there by the ancient Muisca as part of a ritual of acknowledgment for a new king. This account of the ceremony of El Dorado, which sat on the shore of Lake Guatavita, gave way to the persisting legend of the unimaginable wealth lying on the bottom Lake Guatavita. Attempts to drain the lake started almost immediately after the first rumour was passed on. Today the surrounding hills bare a curious notch carved by Antonio de Sepulveda, a Bogotan merchant, who, in the 1580s, attempted to drain the lake to uncover the mythical wealth. The effort was abandoned when the hillsides caved in and covered and killed many of the workers. It was not too long after these expeditions that the story of El Dorado was embellished with accounts of his golden city, the mythical Manoa where even the cooking utensils were made of gold. Explorers and adventurers took off on the hunch that the city was located somewhere in the unexplored forests of the Amazon valley, and vanished into the jungle, scores never returning. Sir Walter Raleigh, who is perhaps the best known of these dreamers, also lost his life in quest of the legendary Manoa.


 In British legend, Camelot was the capital of the kingdom of King Arthur. Cadbury Castle in Somerset, an isolated Iron Age hill fort, is the site most often identified with Camelot. Archaeological evidence confirms that during the 6th century the fort was occupied by a powerful British warrior chieftain. However, local folklore advances alternative sites at Camelford in Cornwall and Winchester in Hampshire as the original Camelot. No matter how the legend is presented – as it has been many times through movies and books – the name always conjures up visions of chivalry and magic, romance and adventure. Indeed King Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin, Lancelot, Camelot and Excalibur are names rooted in British tradition and culture. King Arthur is one of the greatest figures in English folklore. According to legend he lived in the late 5th and early 6th centuries at a time when Britain was the scene of the final bloody struggles for domination between the Romano-British Celts and the Saxon invaders. He is considered to have been the leader in the defence of the south-western homelands.


It’s said that fertile land once connected the Scilly Islands with Western Cornwall. The Silures people inhabited this land that was called Lyonesse. They were known for their industriousness and devoutness, with more than one hundred and forty churches were in the region. The Saxon Chronicle states the Lyonesse was destroyed on November 11, 1099 by great flooding, and the town was swallowed by the ocean. In support of the mythology, the remains of many ancient stone buildings, including megalithic structures, can be seen below the waters. There are approximately fifty islands within the Scilly group, although only four are inhabited. They’ve also been identified as the Tin Islands that were known to the Greeks. Geologically they are made from granite that is similar to that of Cornwall. Legend today say that church bells ring when the sea gets stormy and some residents have reported seeing domes, spires, towers, and fortifications beneath the sea. The place was also home of Tristan in the epic story of Tristan and Iseult.


In Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Shambhala is a mythical kingdom hidden somewhere in Inner Asia. It is mentioned in various ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient texts of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. The written record of Shambhala in fact goes back to 1500 BC with the Zhang Zhung culture, which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. Whatever its historical basis, Shambhala gradually came to be seen as a Buddhist Pure Land, a fabulous kingdom whose reality is visionary or spiritual as much as physical or geographic. It was in this form that the Shambhala myth reached the West, where it influenced non-Buddhist as well as Buddhist spiritual seekers and, to some extent, popular culture in general. The first information that reached western civilization about Shambhala came from the Portuguese Catholic missionary Estevao Cacella, who had heard about Shambala (which they transcribed as “Xembala”), and thought it was another name for Cathay or China, while more redcent appearances of the mythological place include Hilton’s Tibetan Utopia “Shangri-La” (Paradise Lost), where it is believed that the legend of Shambhala provided the basis for the Utopian community.


Atlantis is a legendary island in the Atlantic, west of Gibraltar, that sunk beneath the sea during a violent eruption of earthquakes and floods some 9,000 years before Plato wrote about it in Timaeus and Critias. The fact that nobody in Greece for 9,000 years had mentioned a battle between Athens and Atlantis should serve as a clue that Plato was not talking about a real place or battle. Nevertheless, Plato is often cited as the primary source for the reality of a place on earth called Atlantis. Different seekers have located the mythical place in the mid-Atlantic, Cuba, the Andes, and dozens of other places. Some have equated ancient Thera, a volcanic Greek island in the Aegean Sea that was devastated by a volcanic eruption in 1625 BC, with Atlantis. To many, however, Atlantis is not just a lost continent, it is a lost world. Some theories believe that the Atlanteans were extraterrestrials who destroyed themselves with nuclear bombs or some other extraordinarily powerful device, that Atlantis was a place of advanced civilization and technology and spread this knowledge around the planet. These “alternative” archaeologists have credited the Atlanteans with teaching the Egyptians and the Mesoamericans how to build pyramids and how to write. And so today, 2,500 years after the first written record of the legendary place by Plato, the mythology lives on. Indeed, Plato did certainly stimulate conversation, which was the main objective after all.


The Fountain of Youth is a legendary spring that reputedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks of its waters. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted across the world for thousands of years, appearing in Herodotus, the Alexander romance, and the stories of Prester John. Stories of similar waters were also evidently prominent among the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean during the Age of Exploration, who spoke of the restorative powers of the water in the mythical land of Bimini. The legend became particularly prominent in the 16th century, when it became attached to the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, first Governor of Puerto Rico. According to an apocryphal story that features a combination of New World and Eurasian elements, Ponce de León was searching for the Fountain of Youth when he traveled to what is now Florida in 1513. Since then stories of the fountain have become closely tied with the state, which ironically, is a very popular place for seniors to go on holiday.


In Welsh mythology Annwn is the Otherworld: the realm of the dead, the home of the deities, the stronghold of other spirits and beings. Tales and folklore describe it as existing over the western sea, or at other times underground (such as in the Sídhe mounds) or right alongside the world of the living, but invisible to most humans. This is the Celtic legend of the pre-Christian Britons, handed down through generations and folklore, as well as a written history in medieval Welsh manuscripts such as the Red Book of Hergest, the White Book of Rhydderch, the Book of Aneirin and the Book of Taliesin. As to the exact location, some claim that the door to Annwn was at the mouth of the Severn near Lundy Island or on Glastonbury Tor. Glastonbury has been interpreted by some as a sacred “Isle of the Dead”, and is also revered as a place where saints and kings are buried. Supposedly, on a certain day of the year, this door would open, and the inhabitants would welcome humans in for feasting and celebration, upon the condition that they took nothing back with them to the human


Asgard is famous as the home of the Norse gods and home to Odin, father of Thor the God of Thunder and the King of the Gods in Norse mythology. This is the place where warriors who die meritoriously in battle and people of particular standing and valor go after death. The newly arrived enter at Valhalla, the Hall of the Heavens for warriors and nobility, which is located in Asgard. Although the Norse legends have been in place for over 1,000 years, since before the time of the Vikings, it is only relatively recently that these mythological places have become well known to other cultures, as the primary sources regarding Asgard come from the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Icelandic author Snorri Sturluson, and the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from a basis of much older Skaldic poetry. Asasgard of legend met its fate during Ragnarok, during which time a battle took place, Asgard was destroyed and sunk into the ocean.


Hawaiki is perhaps the single most important land in the Maori culture and is is deeply associated with the cycle of birth, life and death in the Maori traditions as the place where all people were born and where all go after death on earth. Hawaiki is the home of the Maori gods and major figures of tribal mythology and traditions, including Maui, Tawhaki, Tiki and Rata. In some traditions Hawaiki is said to be a physical place, an island, from which the Maori people originated before arriving in New Zealand. Similar legends regard it as an actual island located east of new Zealand somewhere in Polynesia, while others believe that Hawaiki is actually in New Zealand itself. However different the beliefs in its physical location may be, the common shared belief is that Hawaiki is source and origin of life and a special place of mystical power. The legends and traditions associated with the Maori people are passed down the generations with Hawaiki as a focal point, which earns this place a true status in mythology. More detail can be found here.

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


Ku ambil daun untuk dijadikan kertasKu ambil ranting untuk dijadikan penaKu tampung tetesan air mata ini untuk dijadikan tinta

untuk menulis tiga kata ...

Aku sayang kamu
Tuhan ...Sampaikan tulisanku padanyaHanya tiga kata ..Yang sudah tidak mungkin lagikukatakan pada nya

我是否树叶当纸用Wǒ shìfǒu shùyè dāng zhǐ yòngI take the leaves to be used as paper
Wǒ rènwéi shì zuòwéi gāngbǐ shǐyòng de kēI take the branch to be used as a pen
Wǒ de nénglì shì yīgè bèi shì wéi yóumò yòng lèizhū

Xiě sān gè zì...Just to write three words
Wǒ ài nǐ
I love you
Xiàng tā zhuǎndá wǒ de xiězuòSend to her my writing
只有三个字..Zhǐyǒu sān gè zì..Only three words
Zhè shì bù kěnéng de leThat is impossible anymore
Wǒ gàosu tāI told to her



Seorang pria dan kekasihnya menikah dalam sebuah pesta pernikahan yang sungguh megah. Semua teman-teman, rekan kerja dan keluarga mereka hadir menyaksikan pasangan yang berbahagia tersebut.

Suatu acara yang luar biasa mengesankan. Mempelai wanita tampak begitu anggun dalam gaun putihnya dan pengantin pria tampak gagah dalam tuxedo hitamnya. Setiap pasang mata yang memandang setuju mengatakan bahwa mereka sungguh-sungguh pasangan serasi yang saling mencintai.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, istri berkata kepada suaminya, "Sayang, aku baru membaca sebuah artikel di majalah tentang bagaimana memperkuat tali pernikahan" katanya sambil menyodorkan majalah tersebut.

"Masing-masing kita akan mencatat hal-hal yang kurang kita sukai dari pasangan kita. Kemudian, kita akan membahas bagaimana merubah hal-hal tersebut dan membuat hidup pernikahan kita bersama lebih bahagia....."

Suaminya setuju dan mereka mulai memikirkan hal-hal dari pasangannya yang tidak mereka sukai dan berjanji tidak akan tersinggung ketika pasangannya mencatat hal-hal yang kurang baik sebab hal tersebut untuk kebaikan mereka bersama.

Malam itu mereka sepakat untuk berpisah kamar dan mencatat apa yang terlintas dalam benak mereka masing-masing. Besok pagi ketika sarapan, mereka siap mendiskusikannya.

"Aku akan mulai duluan ya", kata sang istri. Ia lalu mengeluarkan apa yang telah ia tulis semalam. Banyak sekali yang ditulisnya, sekitar 3 halaman.

Ketika ia mulai membacakan satu persatu hal yang tidak dia sukai dari suaminya, ia memperhatikan bahwa air mata suaminya mulai mengalir.

"Maaf, apakah aku harus berhenti ?" tanyanya.

"Oh tidak, lanjutkan..." jawab suaminya

Lalu sang istri melanjutkan membacakan semua yang ia tulis. Setelah selesai ia melipat kembali kertasnya dan meletakkannya diatas meja.

"Sekarang gantian ya, engkau yang membacakan daftarmu".

Dengan suara perlahan suaminya berkata "Aku tidak mencatat sesuatupun dikertasku. Aku berpikir bahwa engkau sudah sempurna, dan aku tidak ingin merubahmu. Engkau adalah dirimu sendiri. Engkau yang tercantik dan terbaik bagiku. Tidak satupun dari pribadimu yang kudapatkan kurang.... "

Sang istri tersentak dan tersentuh oleh pernyataan ungkapan isi hati suaminya. Sebuah ungkapan ketulusan cinta suaminya yang menerimanya apa adanya...

Dia pun tertunduk dan menangis.....

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010


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Ketika aku masih kecil, waktu itu ibuku sedang menyulam sehelai kain. Saya yang sedang bermain di lantai, melihat ke atas dan bertanya, apa yang ia lakukan. Ia menerangkan bahwa ia sedang menyulam sesuatu di atas sehelai kain.

Tetapi saya memberitahu kepadanya, bahwa yang saya lihat dari bawah adalah benang ruwet. Ibu dengan tersenyum memandangiku dan berkata dengan lembut: "Anakku, lanjutkanlah permainanmu, sementara ibu menyelesaikan sulaman ini, nanti setelah selesai, engkau akan kupanggil dan kududukkan di atas pangkuan ibu dan kamu dapat melihat sulaman ini dari atas."

Aku heran, mengapa ibu menggunakan benang hitam dan putih, begitu semrawut menurut pandanganku. Beberapa saat kemudian, saya mendengar suara memanggil: "Anakku, mari ke sini, dan duduklah di pangkuan ibu."

Waktu aku lakukan itu, aku heran dan kagum melihat bunga-bunga yang indah, dengan latar belakang pemandangan matahari yang sedang terbit, sungguh indah sekali. Aku hampir tidak percaya melihatnya, karena dari bawah yang aku lihat hanyalah benang-benang yang ruwet.

Kemudian ibu berkata: "Anakku, dari bawah memang nampak ruwet dan kacau, tetapi engkau tidak menyadari bahwa di atas kain ini sudah ada gambar yang direncanakan, sebuah pola, ibu hanya mengikutinya. Sekarang, dengan melihatnya dari atas kamu dapat melihat keindahan dari apa yang ibu lakukan.

Sering selama bertahun-tahun, kita melihat ke atas dan bertanya kepada Bapa Sorgawiku: "Bapa, apa yang Engkau lakukan?" Ia menjawab: "Aku sedang menyulam kehidupanmu". Dan aku membantah, "Tetapi nampaknya hidup ini ruwet, benang-benangnya banyak yang hitam, mengapa tidak semuanya memakai warna yang cerah?"

Kemudian Bapa menjawab: "Anakku, kamu teruskan pekerjaanmu, dan Aku juga menyelesaikan pekerjaanKu di bumi ini, satu saat nanti. Aku akan memanggilmu ke sorga dan mendudukkan kamu di pangkuanKu dan kamu akan

melihat rencanaKu yang indah dari sisiKu."

Sebab Aku ini mengetahui rancangan-rancangan apa yang ada padaku mengenai kamu, demikianlah firman Tuhan, yaitu rancangan damai sejahtera dan bukan rancangan kecelakaan, untuk memberikan kepadamu hari depan yang penuh harapan."

( Yer 29:11 )


1. Stonehedge

This is a very famous rock in the UK. No one knows for sure whether this thing actually.For places of worship, temple, or the signs of the existence of UFOs.

(Ini adalah bebatuan yang sangat terkenal di Inggris. Tidak ada yang tahu pasti untuk apakah benda ini sebenarnya. Untuk tempat penyembahan, kuil, ataukah tanda-tanda adanya UFO)

2.  Moguicheng

City of Satan became nicknamed the place which is located in Xinjiang, China, this.There are strange noises that would come up to you out of nowhere it came from. If you come when the day was sunny with light breeze, then check out twang guitar sound is so melodious. But, if high winds come, will be heard like the sound of a lion's roar, the cries of a baby or even the sound of a wolf. Well lo!

(Kota Setan menjadi julukan tempat yang terletak di Xinjiang, China, ini. Ada suara-suara aneh yang akan menghampiri Anda entah dari mana asalnya. Jika Anda datang ketika hari sedang cerah dengan angin sepoi-sepoi, maka simaklah suara dentingan gitar yang begitu merdu. Tapi, jika angin kencang datang, akan terdengarlah seperti suara auman singa, tangisan bayi atau bahkan suara serigala. Nah lo!)

3. Segitiga bermuda

If this one the whole world would know. The area is believed to be the center of Satan's territory. Located in the northwest Atlantic Ocean where there are 7 major islands and 150 small coral islands. This Devils Triangle repeatedly asked the victim who passed there. Whether it's aircraft or ships. In theory, all the sophisticated navigation equipment will be chaotic if passed this area so difficult to be tracked his existence if it is lost. Is this really the devil fad, who knows?

(Kalau yang satu ini seluruh dunia pasti tahu. Area yang diyakini sebagai pusat wilayah kekuasaan setan. Terletak di barat laut Samudra Atlantik di mana terdapat 7 pulau besar dan 150 pulau karang kecil lainnya. Segitiga Setan ini berkali-kali meminta korban yang melintas di sana. Entah itu pesawat terbang atau kapal laut. Menurut teori, semua peralatan canggih navigasi akan kacau jika melewati area ini sehingga sulit terlacak keberadaannya jika sudah hilang. Apakah benar ini hasil keisengan setan, who knows?)

4. Piramida

Egypt including countries with much mystery. Yes, the mystery is tightly stored in the form of pyramid tombs of the Kings of Egypt, including the famous Pharaoh with arrogance.At least, there are 80 pyramids contained in this North African region, along the River Nile.Each high as 100 meters of rock composition weighing 100 tons for a single stone. The stones are arranged without using cement or other adhesive. Until now, the legend of the pyramid is not entirely clear because the mix between beliefs and myths. Cheops Pyramid is the highest among others.

Mesir termasuk negara dengan banyak misteri. Ya, misteri tersebut tersimpan rapat-rapat dalam piramida yang berupa kuburan para Raja Mesir, termasuk Firaun yang kondang dengan arogansinya. Setidaknya, ada 80 buah piramida yang terdapat di wilayah Afrika Utara ini, di sepanjang Sungai Nil.
Masing-masing tingginya mencapai 100 meter yang terdiri dari susunan bebatuan seberat 100 ton untuk satu batu. Batu-batu tersebut disusun tanpa menggunakan semen atau perekat lainnya. Sampai sekarang, legenda tentang piramida belum sepenuhnya jelas karena bercampur antara keyakinan dan juga mitos. Piramida Cheops adalah yang tertinggi di antara lainnya. 

5. Moai

Easter Island is located between Tahiti and Chile. Being the center of public attention because of the sculptures in the form of a human face. Each 4-meter-tall and weighed about 75 tons. Occur from volcanic rocks and evidence of community heritage Rapa Nui. It's hard to explain how these sculptures are made with existing technology at that time. He said, was made by a UFO. Hmmm, no nonsense.

Easter Island terletak di antara Tahiti dan Chile. Menjadi pusat perhatian publik karena adanya patung-patung berbentuk wajah manusia. Masing-masing setinggi 4 meter dan beratnya mencapai 75 ton. Terjadi dari batu vulkanik dan menjadi bukti warisan sejarah masyarakat Rapa Nui. Sulit menjelaskan bagaimana patung-patung ini dibuat dengan teknologi yang ada saat itu. Katanya, ini dibuat oleh UFO. Hmmm, ada-ada saja.

6. Gunkan Jima

Now, let's look at a mysterious place in the State of Sakura, Japan. Gunkan Jima Island is located in Nagasaki area is about 15 kilometers. The island was purchased by Mitsubishi as a place to mine coal. In 1916, homes built for mine workers. More than 4 decades in operation, the region is increasingly crowded with people. When oil replaced coal functions, parties Mitsubitshi decided to close the mines and clear the island

Sekarang, mari kita melihat sebuah tempat misterius di Negara Sakura, Jepang. Pulau Gunkan Jima terletak di wilayah Nagasaki berjarak sekitar 15 kilometer. Pulau ini dibeli oleh Mitsubishi sebagai tempat penambangan batu bara. Pada 1916, dibangunlah  tempat tinggal untuk para pekerja tambang. Lebih dari 4 dekade beroperasi, wilayah ini semakin dipadati penduduk. Ketika minyak menggantikan fungsi batu bara, pihak Mitsubitshi memutuskan untuk menutup tambang dan mengosongkan pulau tersebut

7. Pulau tanpa es di antartika

Antarctic continent entirely uninhabited and reportedly said many mysterious phenomenon, in which one partner has an island completely covered with ice.Miraculous indeed if in an area of 14 million square kilometers and covered with ice as thick as the 4000-meter still leaves a region without any white coating.

Benua Antartika sama sekali tidak berpenghuni dan konon katanya banyak terjadi fenomena misterius, di mana salah satunya ada sebuah pulau yang benar-benar tidak tertutupi es. Ajaib memang jika di area seluas 14 juta kilometer persegi dan diliputi es setebal 4000-an meter masih menyisakan satu wilayah tanpa lapisan putih sedikit pun. 

8. Bingbing bei

In this bamboo curtain country, there is a mysterious place that is located in Henan.People call Bingbing Bei meaning back or ice. Why is that? Because, when most parts of China have a reasonable change of seasons, in Bei Bingbing not.Areas west of Liaoning Province is not never felt like warmth. Although it was time summer with temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius and the sun shining brightly, the temperature in this place still -12 degrees, to make land and water as it freezes.

Di negara tirai bambu ini, ada sebuah tempat misterius yang terletak di Henan. Orang menyebutnya Bingbing Bei yang berarti punggung atau es. Mengapa demikian? Karena, ketika sebagian besar wilayah China memiliki perubahan musim yang sewajarnya, di Bingbing Bei tidak.
Daerah sebelah barat Provinsi Liaoning ini tidak pernah merasakan kehangatan seperti layaknya. Meskipun sudah waktunya musim panas dengan suhu sekitar 30 derajat Celsius dan matahari bersinar dengan cerah, temperatur di tempat ini tetap -12 derajat, hingga membuat tanah dan air membeku karena hal tersebut. 

9. Sungai air panas

Near Reykjavik, there is the phenomenon of hot water stream that invites surprise considering that Iceland is a country filled with ice. And, from the river is 20 meters in diameter, if rain falls, it will show a scene that could make a wrinkled forehead, there is a sudden water springing up as high as 70 meters into the air.

Di dekat Reykjavik, terdapat fenomena sungai air panas yang mengundang keheranan mengingat Islandia merupakan negara yang diliputi es. Dan, dari sungai berdiameter 20 meter ini, jika hujan turun, akan memperlihatkan sebuah pemandangan yang bisa membuat dahi berkerut, ada air yang tiba-tiba memancar sampai setinggi 70 meter ke udara.        


10. Gerbang Neraka

This place is situated near a town called Darvaz in Uzbekistan. It was started in about 35 years ago. When the geologists do pengebordan gas, they accidentally discovered a pit filled with gas. Although not poisonous, but the gas burning and never stops producing fire until now.

Tempat ini terletak di dekat sebuah kota bernama Darvaz di Uzbekistan. Kejadiannya bermula pada sekitar 35 tahun yang lalu. Saat para geologis melakukan pengebordan gas, secara tidak sengaja mereka menemukan sebuah lubang yang dipenuhi gas. Walaupun tidak beracun, tetapi gas tersebut seperti terbakar dan tidak pernah berhenti mengeluarkan api sampai sekarang.